by YAAAS Contributor | Apr 11, 2017 | All, Fun Stuff
The holiday felt like a glorified weekend. So naturally, there’s a meme for all the back to school feels you’re feeling. by Tern Pelser Just because school doesn’t start on the usual Monday, it doesn’t mean it’s any less painful. via...
by YAAAS Contributor | Mar 29, 2017 | All, Fun Stuff
Today marks the end of your suffering and the beginning of your VACATION! You need a meme for that, amarite? Here’s one for every style of humour… by Jana Reynolds All I want is Sarcasm. This. Is. Hilarious. via Frabz EPIC or nothing. Also, Gladiator and...
by Marco Coetsee | Jun 24, 2016 | All, Fun Stuff
Why do almost all pop hits have these horrible things in common?! Yes. It’s catchy (even a metalhead, when One Direction’s Story of My Life hits my eardrums, I belt it out like it’s nobody’s business), but there’s no denying the...
by Iske | Apr 23, 2016 | All, Fun Stuff
“It’s the first day of the rest of your life.” No. Monday is the first day of THE REST OF MY WORK!!! Yes, a Monday genuinely sucks, but who knew it could be interesting too… ONE) If you flip around the letters in Monday it spells dynamo. So...
by Mariza Breytenbach | Mar 21, 2016 | All, Fun Stuff
Wow. There’s nothing we love more than Marvel/DC superhero movies with interlaced story lines and this year there’s more than enough! That’s why we picked 5 of the best for you to check out. Hello, Year of the Comic Book Hero! Let’s be honest,...
by Mariza Breytenbach | Aug 20, 2015 | All, Fun Stuff
There’s soooooo much hype about the Paper Towns movie, which hits screens today! Is it actually worth watching on your Friday night girls’ night instead of Trainwreck or any of the other amazing movies in cinemas right now? Well, we think so. It hits you...