by Iske | Jun 6, 2017 | All, Famous People Stuff
Someone please tell Kylie Jenner she’s been dethroned. We’ve found women with some real power. Their power? Being real for a freakin change. Here’s our list of top young ladies bending the rules of social media to serve real women. We’re done...
by Iske | May 30, 2017 | All, Famous People Stuff, Future Stuff
THE LOCNVILLE BROTHERS TELL US HOW THEY SKIPPED SOME SERIOUS PARTY TIME TO HUSTLE THEIR WAY INTO SA’S TOP CHARTS. 1. As a kid, what did you want to be when you were all grown up and why? Brian: As far back as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be involved in...
by Iske | May 19, 2017 | All, Famous People Stuff, Mental Stuff
Let’s be honest, loving your squishy bits can be hard! So we asked curve model Marciel Hopkins for some PRACTICAL tips to rock BOPO all day and then we actually tested them for 7 days! Rocking body love can honestly feel like a Tekken fight in your brain between...
by Iske | May 16, 2017 | Famous People Stuff, Future Stuff
Lorna Maseko reveals how she went from one of the first black ballet dancers landing lead SA roles to presenting to running her own business. As a kid, what did you want to be when you were all grown up and why? Lorna Maseko: I can’t recall specifically...
by Iske | May 13, 2017 | All, Famous People Stuff
Watch Katy Perry’s totally vulnerable therapy session (streamed on real internet TV). She talked alcohol, exes and why she just wants to be Kathryn Hudson sometimes. In celebration of her brand new album (Witness), Katy Perry live streamed her entire life on...
by Iske | Mar 16, 2017 | Famous People Stuff, Future Stuff
Former Miss SA winner tells us how she got into the Media industry right after studying and why she never became the vet she dreamed of as a kid. As a kid, what did you want to be when you were all grown up and why? Nicole Flint: A Veterinarian – I adore animals...