1. As a kid, what did you want to be when you were all grown up and why?
Brian: As far back as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be involved in the music industry or the film industry. Music is something I’ve always known and always wanted to pursue as a career – so it just made perfect sense to throw myself head first into that industry.
Andrew: I think of both of us, music has always been the goal and has dictated the decisions we’ve made in life.
2. What are your thoughts about that now?
Brian: I don’t think I could’ve made a better decision. There have been really testing times, but ultimately, I have a successful career in something I love to do.
Andrew: I feel really good about the decisions we’ve made, we’ve built a highly successful company and fulfill our passion while doing it.
3. Did you have a specific career path in mind at the end of high school?
Brian: Absolutely. Following my passion into the music industry was the only career path in mind and I didn’t stop until it happened.
Andrew: Like I said previously, there was no other option for us other than music.
4. If you did, what did you do to make it happen during high school and after you finished matric?
Brian: In high school, Andrew and I were making CD’s and selling them around at school as well as performing night clubs when we got the chance. After finishing Matric, we both set aside time to record our Sun In My Pocket album during the Matric Rage period. When the album was done, we started getting out into the ethers any way we could.
Andrew: Considering our profession, the main thing we had to do was write music which is all good and well, but doesn’t do much if it’s not spinning on the radio and things like that. Getting our songs onto radio was the first step in making everything happen, following that we signed to Just Music in South Africa and the rest is history.
5. How did you feel about making such life-altering decisions as a teen?
Brian: It was nerve racking and a bit scary at times, but I learned quickly that if you’re going to make bold and life altering decisions, you have to be steadfast in that decision and pursue it with everything you’ve got.
Andrew: At the time and even still now, we make very impulse decisions and run with it. This is a very fast paced game, so in order to keep up you have to be willing to make split second decisions that are ultimately very big ones and then be able to follow through.
6. Did you apply for any tertiary education courses? If so, where and why?
Brian: I didn’t feel the need to go into college.
Andrew: No, I absolutely hated High School and couldn’t think of anything worse than graduating and then chucking myself right back in to it.
7. What did you do after high school, career-wise?
Brian: I became a producer and songwriter and then followed that up by becoming a performing artist.
Andrew: As soon as we finished High School, we whole heartedly pursued getting our music to the right ears.
8. Are you happy with the choices you made following high school and why/why not?
Brian: Absolutely! I can’t picture my life being anything else than what it is. Everyday I get to do what I love, so it was the best decision I could’ve made.
Andrew: I’m really happy with the decisions we’ve made, as it’s all lead to where we are now in our lives, and it’s a really exciting time!
9. Any advice you would give this year’s grade 11’s and matrics on their what-to-do-after-high-school plans?
Brian: My only advice is to find something that you really want to do and then stick to it come hell or high water. You have to know what it is you want to do, otherwise you’ll be following a path without having any clue or idea as to what you want the end result to be.
Andrew: Know 100% what it is that you want, and then take every step you can conceive to follow it through. We learned an invaluable piece of information which is making small and very attainable goals, and then day by day ticking those goals off. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to doing what it is that you want.