by Iske | Mar 15, 2020 | All, Mental Stuff
As from now it’s a proven fact that being skinny doesn’t equal happiness. Don’t believe me? Here’s four pieces of evidence that’ll crack this haunting myth right open. ONE: Perfect people are dying to be happy Pick one person you’d...
by Iske | Jan 22, 2020 | All, Mental Stuff
So I’m in a circle of friends discussing pizza toppings, but my mind takes me to a whole different dialogue: “Do I look like terrible? Probably. Why do I eat myself into looking like a chubby penguin? Look at how gorgeous my friends are. Am I a failure? I haven’t even...
by Iske | Jan 15, 2020 | All, Mental Stuff
In a world of vague self-love messages, Michelle Elman is the ninja-princess who barges in and slices through the bullshit with her hands-on BoPo tips. I first discovered Michelle Elman’s account, Scarred not Scared, 10-years into my Body Positive and pretty...
by Mariza Breytenbach | Jan 5, 2020 | All, Mental Stuff
It’s 10 PM on a Sunday and tomorrow’s assignment is STILL not finished, because you just couldn’t resist watching those last 10 Youtube videos…. Let’s face it, we all procrastinate, but does the accumulation of our lost hours translate into a bleak future?...
by Iske | Jan 2, 2020 | All, Mental Stuff
This girl does not care. She has not been on a diet in eight years. She has never followed the advice of a Youtube makeup tutorial. She rarely does her nails. She air-dries her hair regularly and uses normal soap for her face. How does it feel not, not caring what you...
by Iske | May 19, 2017 | All, Famous People Stuff, Mental Stuff
Let’s be honest, loving your squishy bits can be hard! So we asked curve model Marciel Hopkins for some PRACTICAL tips to rock BOPO all day and then we actually tested them for 7 days! Rocking body love can honestly feel like a Tekken fight in your brain between...